
The biggest private sector trade database
Each month we import millions of import and export entries from SARS, at the most granular level possible. You get to view this data in easy-to-use dashboards, showing you the trade, but also the tariff book, with duty and bound rates (maximum levels a given duty can be raised to). There are alerts telling you if worrying trends are developing or if there are anti-dumping duties on the product. You will also be told of opportunities of interest.
Benchmark your trade
Benchmarking allows you to see how you stack up against the rest of the market. Your trade data is overlayed over the market data so that you can see, from a competitive perspective, what your relative market share for the trade in a specific, or group of tariff codes for a specific period.
Use benchmarking to buy better and maximise your margins. Discover new countries to buy from and sell to.
View your trade data in the currency of your choice. Each transaction in our database has been converted to dollars, euros and pounds at the rate of exchange on the day of the entry, using the official Reserve Bank exchange rate for that day.
White labelling
Add your own logo and colour scheme, so that Stratalyze matches your own branding, perfectly.