Disclaimer Statement



This Statement applies to the website of Stratalyze and is operated under the domain name www.stratalyze.com. Please read the following important information before accessing this website and our products and tools.


Your use of Stratalyze’s website and products and tools indicates your acknowledgement and acceptance of the terms and conditions of Stratalyze.

Stratalyze recognises that it is important for you to know how we deal with personal information. Stratalyze appreciates that you may be concerned about your privacy and that of your customers and about the confidentiality and security of information we may gain online. Stratalyze is committed to keeping that information secure. We may change the content or services found on our website and products at any time without notice and, consequently, this Statement may change from time to time. Your continued access to or use of our website and products means that you agree to and accept the changes we make. Please periodically review this Statement for changes.

There may also be specific and additional provisions which apply to certain sections of our website and products which you subscribe to or hold with us which will operate in addition to the provisions of this Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Statement and those other specific and additional provisions, the specific and additional provisions will prevail.


Stratalyze agrees to make reasonable efforts to ensure full performance of all Stratalyze products.  Stratalyze does not assume responsibility for mal-functions in communications facilities not under its control that may affect the accuracy or timeliness of data represented. Stratalyze is not responsible for any losses or delays in transmission of instructions arising or caused by any browser software.

Any data you use through Stratalyze’s products is believed to be reliable. However, it can only be provided on a best-effort basis for your convenience and is not guaranteed.  Stratalyze is not liable for any deficiencies in the accuracy, completeness, availability or timeliness of such data or for any investment or other decision made using this data.

Stratalyze is not responsible for system disruption caused by any virus-related problems.


We will not collect any information about you except where it is knowingly provided to us through this website. The information we collect about you will depend on how you use the facilities offered via this website.

For example, if you visit the website to browse or download information, our system will record the date and time of your activities, the information viewed and/or downloaded. In the event thatyou enter information in the process of completion of an online application form, the information will only be collected by us if you submit that online application to us. In other words, if you log out prior to submitting your application, any information which you had entered would be automatically deleted.



Stratalyze will not use or disclose information collected about you (including information collected by cookies) otherwise than for the purpose made known to you, a purpose you would reasonably expect, a purpose required, authorised, or permitted by or under any law or a purpose otherwise authorised by you. You authorise us to provide necessary information to our agents who provide services to Stratalyze in connection with the provision of the services which you have sought from Stratalyze. Also note that any information or material sent to Stratalyze shall be deemed NOT to be confidential, although Stratalyze will not share this information outside of Stratalyze without your expressed consent.


Our website and products may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. When you use a link to go from our website or product to another website or product, this does not mean that Stratalyze endorses or accept any responsibility for the content, quality, accuracy and eligibility of the third party’s website. Stratalyze is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of other websites.

Access to and use of any third party’s websites is at your own risk and subject to any terms and conditions applicable to such access and use.


Products and services referred to in this website are offered only in jurisdictions where and when they may be lawfully offered by Stratalyze. The materials on these pages are not intended for use by persons located in or resident in jurisdictions that restrict the distribution of such materials by us. Persons accessing these pages are required to inform themselves about and observe any relevant restrictions.

The information contained in these pages, whether provided by Stratalyze or other information provider, is not intended to provide professional advice and should not be relied upon in that regard. Persons accessing these pages are advised to obtain appropriate professional advice when necessary.



While every care has been taken in preparing the information and materials contained in this website, such information and materials are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In particular, no warranty regarding non-infringement, security, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose or freedom from computer virus is given in conjunction with such information and materials.

The data and insights provided by Stratalyze are solely for the use of the client. If this information is shared with external parties, Stratalyze takes no responsibility for what the data is used for.