
Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink

Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Coleridge

Data, data everywhere and not an insight around. This is the world we live in. Stratalyze moves you rapidly from data to decision. Don't worry about the 400 million transactions in our database. Don't concern yourself with complex economic concepts. Stratalyze takes care of all of that, and its improving all the time.

If you are serious about global trade, we want to talk to you!

Our suite of offerings

Our web-based application makes trade statistics accessible:

  • Trade data in the currency of your choice.
  • Browse the latest tariff book and view duty rates.
  • Bound rates for every tariff code (maximum level the duty can be raised to).
  • Benchmark your trading activity against the market.
  • White label Stratalyze with your logo and colours
  • Find the markets you should be exporting to
  • TrackĀ ITAC duty change investigations
  • Download data for further analysis

Our web-based application makes trade statistics accessible:

  • Browse the latest tariff book and view duty rates.
  • Benchmark your trading activity against the market.
  • View trading activity per period.
  • Compare total value, volume and unit price by country.
  • Assess trade competitiveness.

Stratalyze raises the bar for local and international trade data analysis.

Stratalyze raises the bar for local and international trade data analysis.